• Action
•Make necessary corrections.
Dimension ERROR (MATRIX and VECTOR Modes only)
• Cause
• The matrix or vector you are trying to use in a calculation was input without
specifying its dimension.
•You are trying to perform a calculation with matrices or vectors whose
dimensions do not allow that type of calculation.
• Action
• Specify the dimension of the matrix or vector and then perform the calculation
•Check the dimensions specified for the matrices or vectors to see if they are
compatible with the calculation.
Variable ERROR (SOLVE feature only)
• Cause
•You did not specify a solution variable, and there is no X variable in the equation
you input.
• The solution variable that you specified is not included in the equation you
• Action
• The equation you input must include an X variable when you do not specify
the solution variable.
• Specify a variable that is included in the equation you input as the solution
Can’t Solve Error (SOLVE feature only)
• Cause
• The calculator could not obtain a solution.
• Action
•Check for errors in the equation that you input.
•Input a value for the solution variable that is close to the expected solution
and try again.
Insufficient MEM Error
• Cause
• There is not enough memory to perform your calculation.
• Action
•Narrow the table calculation range by changing the Start, End, and Step values,
and try again.
Time Out Error
• Cause
• The current differential or integration calculation ends without the ending
condition being fulfilled.
• Action
•Try increasing the tol value. Note that this also decreases solution precision.