— 6 —
Pin No. Terminal In/Out Function
1 P40 Out KO signal data output
2 P41 Out Clock for KO signal data
3 P42 Out APO (Auto Power Off) signal output. ON: High, OFF: Low
4 P43 Out Read enable signal output
5 P44 Out Write enable signal output
6 P45 Not used.
7 P46 Out 10MHz clock output
8 P47 In Wait signal input. Connected to +5V.
9 TXD Out MIDI signal output
10 RXD In MIDI signal input
11 P52 Out Reset signal output
12 -RESET In Reset signal input
13 -NMI In Power ON signal input.
14 VCC In +5V source
15 -STBY In Standby signal input. Connected to +5V.
16 VSS In Ground (0V) source
17 XTAL In 20MHz clock input
18 EXTAL In 20MHz clock input
19, 20 MD1, MD0 In Mode selection input. (Internal ROM mode --- MD1: Hight, MD0: Low)
21 AVSS In Ground (0V) source for internal DAC
22 AN0 In Analog input. Connected to the bender volume.
23 ~ 29 P71 ~ P77 In Button input signal input
30 AVCC In +5V source for internal DAC
31 ~ 38 P60 ~ P67 Out LED segment signal output
39 VCC In +5V source
40 ~ 56 P27 ~ P10 Out Address bus
48 VSS In Ground (0V) source
57 ~ 64 P30 ~ P37 Ijn/Out Data bus
Initial reset
When batteries are set or an AC adapter is connected, the reset IC provides a low pulse to the CPU.
The CPU then initializes its internal circuit and clears data in the working strage RAM.
Power ON reset
When the power switch is pressed, the CPU receives a low pulse of POWER signal. The CPU first raises
APO signal to +5V to generat DVDD voltage, then raises RESET signal to +5V. During this period the
gate array, the DSP and the key touch LSI initializes their internal circuit.
CPU (HD6433298A18P)
The 16-bit CPU contains a 32k-bit ROM, a 1k-bit RAM, seven 8-bit I/O ports, an A/D convertor and serial
interfaces. The CPU accesses to the working strage RAM, the DSP and the key touch LSI. The CPU also
controls buttons, LEDs, bender input and MIDI input/output.