
— 4 —
Pin No. Terminal In/Out Function
1 MA14 Not used.
2 MWEB Out Clock for LED latches
3 ~ 5 Not used.
6 MA0 Out 7-seg. LED drive signal
7 ~ 19 MA1 ~ MA11 Not used.
20 ~ 27 MD0 ~ MD7 Out 7-seg. LED drive signal
28, 29 NC1, NC2 Not used.
30 DGND In Ground (0 V) source
31 DVCC In +5 V source
32, 33 XTLO, XTLI In/Out 20 MHz clock input/output
34 NC3 Not used.
35 RSTB In Reset signal input
36 P24/RXD Not used. Connected to +5 V.
37 P25/TXD Not used.
38 NMI In Power ON signal input. Connected to +5 V.
39 APO Out APO (Auto Power Off) signal output
40 NC4 Not used.
41 REFH Out Terminal for the internal DAC
42, 43 NC5, NC6 Not used.
44 DAOR Out Right channel sound waveform output
45 NC7 Not used.
46 AVdac In +5 V source for the internal DAC and ADC
47 DAOL Out Left channel sound waveform output
48 REFL Out Terminal for the internal DAC and ADC
49 AGdac In Ground source for the internal DAC
50 AGadc In Ground source for the internal ADC
51 ANI Not used. Connected to ground.
52 AVadc In +5 V source for the internal ADC
53 NC8 Not used.
54 MOD0 In Mode selection terminal. Connected to +5 V.
55, 56 MOD1, MOD2 In Mode selection terminal. Connected to ground.
57 P40 In APO cancellation signal
58 ~ 65 KI0/P30 ~ KI7/P37 In Terminals for key/button input signal
66 ~ 73 KO0/P50 ~ KO7/P57 Out Terminals for key scan signal
74 ~ 77 KO8/P20 ~ KO11/P23 Out Terminals for button input signal
78 NC9 Not used.
79 LVCC In +5 V source
80 ~ 95 LX0 ~ LX7, LY0 ~ LY7 Out LED drive signal
96 LGND In Ground source
97 ~ 100 MA18 ~ MA15 Not used.
CPU (LSI1: MSM6755B-13)
The CPU contains a sound data ROM and a DAC (Digital to Analog Convertor), and it provides a sound
waveform in accordance with the pressed key and the selected tone. The CPU also controls key input, button
input and LED driving. The following table shows the pin functions of LSI1.