
k Overflow and Errors
Exceeding a specified input or calculation range, or attempting an illegal input
causes an error message to appear on the display. Further operation of the
calculator is impossible while an error message is displayed. The following events
cause an error message to appear on the display.
When any result, whether intermediate or final, or any value in memory
exceeds ±9.999999999 × 10
When an attempt is made to perform a function calculation that exceeds the
input range (Ma ERROR).
When an illegal operation is attempted during statistical calculations (Ma
ERROR). For example, attempting to obtain 1VAR without data input.
When the capacity of the numeric value stack or command stack is exceeded
(Stk ERROR). For example, entering 25 successive ( followed by 2 + 3 *
4 w.
When an attempt is made to perform a calculation using an illegal formula (Syn
ERROR). For example, 5 ** 3 w.
When you try to perform a calculation that causes memory capacity to be
exceeded (Mem ERROR).
When you use a command that requires an argument, without providing a valid
argument (Arg ERROR).
When an attempt is made to use an illegal dimension during matrix calculations
(Dim ERROR).
When no solution exists for an ALGBR Mode operation (Undefined).
When the result of an ALGBR Mode operation exceeds the range of the
calculator (Overflow ERROR).
When a value input in the ALGBR Mode is outside the domain of the operation
being performed (Domain ERROR).
When an ALGBR Mode operation in which only real numbers have been input
produces a result that is a complex number while the set up screen's Answer
Type item is specified as "Real" (Non-Real ERROR).
When no solution can be obtained using the Solve Function in the ALGBR
Mode (No Solution).
When an attempt is made to use approx with an expression that generates an
error unique to the ALGBR Mode (Ma ERROR).
Other errors can occur during program execution. Most of the calculator’s keys
are inoperative while an error message is displayed. You can resume operation
using one of the two following procedures.
Press the A key to clear the error and return to normal operation.
Press d or e to display the error.
Before Starting Calculations... 1 - 1