The Recent Calls menu is a list of the last phone numbers or Contact
entries for calls (including PTT calls) you placed, accepted, missed,
or blocked. It is continually updated as new numbers are added to
the beginning of the list and the oldest entries are removed from the
bottom of the list.
Accessing the Recent Calls submenu
1. From idle mode with the flip open, press the Center Select Key
[MENU], select Recent Calls, then press the Center Select Key
2. Select a submenu.
Missed: Displays a list of the 90 most recently missed calls.
Received: Displays a list of the 90 most recently received calls.
Dialed: Displays a list of the 90 most recently dialed calls.
Blocked*: Displays a list of the 90 most recently blocked calls.
All**: Displays a list of the 270 most recent calls.
View Timers: Displays the duration of selected calls.
If you select Blocked, enter the four-digit Lock Code, then press
the Center Select Key [OK]. The default Lock Code is the last 4
digits of your phone number.
* Blocked appears only when Contacts Only or Block All is
selected for Calls under MENU > Settings & Tools > Phone
Settings > Security > Restrictions > Calls > Incoming Calls. For
information about how to configure this setting, see page 153.
** Blocked calls are not displayed in the All Calls list.