Using Demo Tunes
This digital piano comes with 16 built-in demo tunes, each of
which features one of the built-in tones.
Playing the Demo Tunes in
To play the demo tunes in sequence
While holding down the MUSIC LIBRARY button,
press the PLAY/STOP button.
• All the demo tunes play in sequence, starting from
Tune 1.
Playing a Specific Demo Tune
To play a specific demo tune
After playback starts, press the tone button that
corresponds to the tune you want to play.
• Songs are played in sequence, in an endless loop,
starting from the currently selected song.
• Pressing the VARIATION button or the tone button
of the current tone during demo tune play toggles the
demo tune between its normal tone’s tune and
variation tone’s tune.
Stopping Demo Tune Play
To stop demo tune play
Press the PLAY/STOP button to stop demo tune play.
• You cannot change the tempo or tone, or turn on the
metronome while a demo tune is playing.
• Playing on the keyboard during demo tune play plays
notes using the demo tune’s tone.
• You can adjust volume while demo playback is in
• The setting below are changed automatically when a
demo tune is played. These changes are temporary, and
remain in effect only while the demo tune is playing.
• Tone
• Digital effect
• Transpose
• Tuning
• Temperament : Equal Temperament
• Baroque pitch : off
• Pedal operations performed during demo tune play are
applied to notes played on the keyboard only. They are
not applied to demo tune playback.
• Demo tune notes cannot be sent as MIDI data.
Demo Tune List
No. Title Composer Tone Time
1 Etude Op.10 No.12 “Revolutionary” F.F.Chopin GRAND PIANO 1 2´35˝
2 Jesus Bleibet Meine Freude J.S.Bach PIPE ORGAN 2 1´18˝
3 Original — ELEC PIANO 1 1´33˝
4 Original — STRINGS 2 1´11˝
5 Original — ACOUSTIC BASS 48˝
6 Hungarian Dances No.5 (Duets) J.Brahms GRAND PIANO 2 2´24˝
7 Original — VIBRAPHONE 1´10˝
8 Mein junges Leben hat ein End J.P.Sweelinck CHOIR 1´18˝
9 Original — BRIGHT PIANO 1´10˝
10 Original — SYNTH-PAD 1´18˝
12 Original — STRINGS 1 2´00˝
13 Original — ELEC PIANO 2 1´55˝
14 Original — RIDE ACO BASS 54˝
15 Fantasia (Praeludium) und Fuga in G-Moll BWV542 J.S.Bach PIPE ORGAN 1 1´48˝
16 Scott Joplin’s New Rag S.Joplin HONKY-TONK 1´04˝