Registration Memory
Number of Setups: 32 (4 setups × 8 banks)
Memory Contents: Tone, Rhythm, Tempo, Layer on/off, Split on/off, Split point, Harmonize on/
off, Mixer settings (Channels 1 to 10), Effect settings, Touch Response settings,
Soft/sostenuto pedal jack setting, Transpose, Tuning, Accompaniment volume
setting, Pitch bend range, Auto Harmonize type, MODE button setting, Synchro
standby state, Mixer Hold, DSP Hold, Synthesizer Mode parameters
Mixer Function
Channels: 16
Parameters: Tone; part on/off; volume; pan pot; octave shift; coarse tune; fine tune; reverb
send; chorus send; DSP line; DSP level, DSP pan, DSP system reverb send, DSP
system chorus send
MIDI: 16 multi-timbre receive, GM Level 1 standard
Other Functions
Pitch Bend Range: Adjustable (12 semitones upwards and downwards)
Transpose: 49 steps (–24 semitones to +24 semitones)
Tuning: Variable (A4 = approximately 440Hz ±100 cents)
LCD: Adjustable contrast
SMF Player: Flash memory storage for up to 200 files*
Supported Format: SMF0
Flash Memory
Capacity: 4MB*
Shared Area: Approximately 3.5MB*
(waveform data, accompaniment data, SMF data)
Further storage of waveform, accompaniment, and SMF data becomes
impossible after the total of such data reaches approximately 3.5MB.
SD Memory Cards
Supported SD Memory Cards: 1GB or less (Cards with capacity greater than 1 GB are not supported.)
Functions: Save and load of data; playback of SMF; card formatting; file delete; file rename
Pedals: Damper, Soft/Sostenuto (Selectable)
USB port: TYPE B
Headphones: Stereo standard jacks × 2
Output Impedance: 170Ω
Output Voltage: 6.0V (RMS) MAX
Pedal: Standard jacks × 2
Power: 12V DC
Microphone In: Standard jack (with microphone volume knob)
Input impedance: 3.3KΩ
Input sensitivity: 10mV
Pedal connector
(for optional SP-30 only)
Speakers: (16cm × 8cm OVAL) × 2 + 5cm × 2 (Output: 8.0W + 8.0W)
*1 The same memory area is used to store waveform data, accompaniment data, and SMF data.
*2 Noted capacities are calculated values based on 1MB = 1024