
The UTC offset is a value that indicates the time difference between a
reference point in Greenwich, England and the time zone where a city is
The letters UTC is the abbreviation for Coordinated Universal Time,
which is the world-wide scientific standard of timekeeping. It is based upon
carefully maintained atomic (cesium) clocks that keep time accurately to
within microseconds. Leap seconds are added or subtracted as necessary
to keep UTC in sync with the Earths rotation.
Illumination Precautions
The electro-luminescent panel that provides illumination loses power after
very long use.
Illumination may be hard to see when viewed under direct sunlight.
Illumination turns off automatically whenever an alarm sounds.
The watch may emit an audible sound whenever the display is illuminated.
This is due to vibration of the EL panel used for illumination, and does not
indicate malfunction.
Frequent use of illumination runs down the battery.