The Event Log Screen
The following fields are displayed when the alarms are retrieved.
High BPV rate for 15
minutes; BPV rate nomi-
nal for 15 minutes
This is an alarm message reporting information about time
periods in which the system logs high or nominal rates of
bipolar violations (BPVs). Approximately 1,544 BPVs per
15 minute period is recorded as a High BPV rate.
Severely Errored Sec-
onds, No Severely
Errored Seconds
The Severely Errored Seconds (SES) alarm indicates that
the system is receiving ten or more severely errored sec-
onds per 15 minute period. The No Severely Errored Sec-
onds message indicates that the system is receiving fewer
than ten severely errored seconds per 15 minute period, fol-
lowing a Severely Errored Seconds message.
Unavailable Seconds;
No unavailable Seconds
The Unavailable Seconds message indicates that the system
has logged unavailable seconds within the specified 15
minute period. The No Unavailable Seconds message indi-
cates that the system logged no unavailable seconds in a 15
minute period following an Unavailable Seconds message.
Data Interfaces
RTS not detected; RTS
The RTS not Detected message indicates that the system
has not received a V.35 RTS (Receive to Send) message,
and the RTS Detected message indicates that the system
has received a RTS message following an RTS not
Detected message.
Local LoopBack (LLB)
signal asserted; LLB de-
The Local Loopback (LLB) message indicates that the
Access Bank II has received a local loopback signal, and
the LLB Deasserted message indicates that the system has
received a Local Loopback Deassertion signal.
Self Test Results
These are test results and other diagnostic information
typically used by Carrier Access Corporation personnel.
Memory Tests
Framer Interface
Codec Interface
V. 35 Interface
Serial Interface
Field Values
Event # Sequence number ranging 1-2048
Date Date on which event occurred
Time Time at which event occurred