
1.8.4 Bleeding Fuel System
1. Open the air vent cock ( 1) on top of t he fuel injection
2. Loosen the priming pump handle (2), and pump the
handle until bleeding is completed.
3. Depress and twist the priming pump handle clock-
4. Close the air vent cock (1).
Always keep the air vent cock on the f uel injec-
tion pump closed except when bleeding the fuel
system, or the engine may not run.
1.8.5 Checking V--Belt
Refer to Section 4.1
1.8.6 Changing Engine Oil
Stop the engine when preparing to change
the engine oil.
1. After warming up the engine, shut it off.
2. Place a pan underneath the engine.
3. Remove the drain plug, drain the engine oil
4. Inspect the drain plug gasket. Replace if necessary.
5. Reinstall the drain plug.
6. Replace the oil filter with a new oil filter.
7. Fill the crankcase with new oil.
8. Check for the c orrect oil level. (Refer to Section1.8.1)
When changing to a different oil manufacturer
or viscosity, be sure to remove a ll of the old oil
completely. Never mix different types of oil.
Use only API classification CG--4 o r bet ter oils.
Use the proper SAE engine oil according t o the
ambient temperatures.
Above 25°C(77°F).............SAE 30 or 10W-- 30
0° to 25°C(32° to 77°F)......SAE 20 or 10W--30
Below 0°C(32°F)............SAE 10W or 10W-- 30
With emission controls now in effect, the CG--4
or CH--4 / CI lubricating oils have been devel-
oped for use of a low--sulfur fuel on--road ve-
hicles engines. When an off--road vehicle en-
gine runs on a high--sulfur fuel, it is advisable to
employ the C H--4 / CI lubricating oil with a high
total base number. If the CG--4 lubricating oil is
used with a high sulfur fuel, change the lubricat-
ing oil at shorter intervals.
Lubricating oil recommended when a low--sulfur or
high--sulfur fuel is employed.
ubricating Oil C lass Fuel
Low--sulfur High--sulfur
CG --4 O O
CH--4 or CI O X
O : Recommended X : Not Recommended