3-21 T-268-07
Setup: The compressor is started. If it is the first compressor start, the
compressor reliability enhancement logic (CREL) is executed, running a current
draw test with the additional outputs (if installed) in the following states:
High Speed
Compressor Tests
Normal Logic
(10 seconds)
CREL (3 minutes)
(For dual speed
SSV Closed Open
SMV 20% 100% (for 3 minutes) then 20%
Pass/Fail Criteria: Passes if the change in current draw is within the valid
Setup: The compressor is started. When ambient temperature is greater than
60_F, a two minute CREL is executed. If the ambient temperature is less than
60_F, a three minute CREL is executed. Then a current draw test is done for 10
seconds with the additional outputs (if installed) in the following states:
Low Speed
Compressor Tests
Normal Logic
(10 seconds)
(For dual speed
SSV Closed Closed Closed
SMV 20% 20%
100% (for 3
minutes) then 20%
Pass/Fail Criteria: Passes if the change in current draw is within the valid
Suction Modulation
Valve (Open)
Setup: The suction modulation valve (SMV) is opened to 100% unless restricted
by current limit function, and the unit is run for two minutes.
Pass/Fail Criteria: The supply and return probe temperature reading difference
is compared to a predetermined value.
P6-3 Quench Valve Test
Setup: The compressor suction temperature is measured with the Quench valve
closed. The Quench valve is energized and the suction temperature drop is
Pass/Fail Criteria: Passes if suction temperature is within the valid range.
Suction Modulation
Valve (Closed)
Setup: The heaters are energized. The suction modulation valve is set to 100%,
and run for one minute. At the end of the one minute run, the supply temperature
is subtracted from the return temperature and the result is saved (reading 1).The
SMV is dropped to 60% and run for one minute. At the end of this one minute
run, the supply temperature is again subtracted from the return temperature and
the result is saved (reading 2).
Pass/Fail Criteria: If the difference between reading 1 & 2 is within a
predetermined range, the test passes. If current limiting occurs, the test passes.
Suction Solenoid
Requirements: The unit must be equipped with a suction solenoid valve (SSV).
Current limiting may close SSV. If this happens, the test will automatically pass.
Setup: The SSV is opened, the suction modulation valve (SMV) is closed. The
quench valve (if configured) will operate according to normal operating rules. If
the return temperature probe is lower than --5.0_C, the test is run for two
minutes, otherwise for one minute. Condenser Pressure Control (CPC) logic is
used for this test if the controller is configured for it.
Pass/Fail Criteria: If the SSV is closed due to current limiting, the test passes. If
supply and return probes are invalid, the test fails. If the test is within a
predetermined range, the test passes. The SSV is closed following this test.