Log Messages on the Camera
Log messages are classified into the following types.
If no content is recorded in a log for approximately two hours, “--
MARK --” will be recorded in the message area.
Application (Camera) Messages
W001 Starting and stopping of system [info]
W030 Startup and shutdown of WebView Livescope
Client [info]
W031 Transmitted video data size [info]
W040 Clearing to external memory [info]
W101 Invalid user name [notice]
W102 Invalid password [notice]
W130 Buffer recovered [notice]
W201 Invalid panorama image [warning]
W230 Buffer overflow [warning]
List of Log Messages
Category Level Code Fault level
crit Error 4xx Software-level failure
(Task operations will
err Error 3xx Operational error
(Operations will
warning Warning 2xx Non-operational error
notice Warning 1xx Error external to the
info Information 0xx Information on normal
Description %1 webview (W001)
%1 Starting or stopping
Meaning wvhttp server (webview) has started or
Description %1%2 host=<Host>, user=<User>, prio=<
%1 W: WebView session, V: Session-less video
client, N: Session-less event client
%2 +: Connect, -: Disconnect
Meaning The camera server client was connected or
Description %1= host=<Host>, user=<User>,
video=<jpg | h264>:<Number of frames>
%1 W: WebView session, V: Session-less video
Meaning When a client disconnected, the total data
that was sent to the client displayed in
number of frames.
Description %1 the image storing - %2 (W040)
%1 Starting or stopping
%2 Reason for starting/stopping
Meaning Started or stopped clearing stream
recording to external memory.
Description user <User name> not found (W101)
Meaning The camera was accessed by an
unauthorized user.
Description user <User name> password mismatch
Meaning The password is invalid
Description stream buffer recovered (W130)
Meaning Video buffer for stream recording has
Description corrupt panorama image - ignored (W201)
Meaning Panorama image information acquisition
Description stream buffer overflowed (W230)
Meaning The video buffer for the stream recording
overflowed and video was discarded.