Before contacting the dealer where you purchased the product or Canon's Customer Service Center, check the items
specified as follows. If a log message is displayed, check the details of the message and corresponding countermeasure in
the log message list.
Problem Countermeasures
The camera does not start • If you are using a PoE HUB, check if the LAN cable is connected correctly.
• If you are using an AC adapter (optional), check if the AC adapter is connected
• Turn the camera off and on again (see “Connecting the camera” in the “Installation
VB Initial Setting Tool does not operate • Check if the LAN cable is connected correctly.
• Turn the camera off and on again (see “Connecting the Camera” in the “Installation
Guide”). The camera no longer responds to the VB Initialization Tool 20 minutes after
being turned on.
• Check if the camera and the PC in which the VB Initial Setting Tool is operating are
connected to the LAN in the same segment.
• The VB Initial Setting Tool may not function when the [Windows Firewall] function is
enabled. In this case, see “Notes on Use When the [Windows Firewall] Function is
Enabled” (P. 1-8).
• Check if you are using an older version of the VB Initial Setting Tool.
The top page of the camera is not displayed • Check if the LAN cable is connected correctly.
• Check if the network to which the camera is connected is set up correctly. In
particular, check if the IP address, subnet mask and default gateway address are set
within the ranges supported by the applicable network.
• If you have changed the IP address, the new address will not become effective until
the camera is rebooted.
• Check if the correct URI (camera IP address) is entered in your web browser (P. 3-2,
P. 4-32, P. 6-4).
The Admin Tools will not start
The Admin Viewer will not start
• “The Web browser you are using is not supported.” If this message is displayed, use
Internet Explorer 7.0 or later.
• “Could not launch application. Install .NET Framework 3.5 (SP1 or later).” If this
message is displayed, install .NET Framework 3.5 (SP1 or later) or enable settings.
(P. 1-7)
• “JavaScript is unavailable or not enabled.” If this message is displayed, set [Active
Script] to [Enable] in Internet Explorer's security settings. (See (2) below for
instructions on how to set this.)
• “Could not launch application. The following settings are required to use Admin
Viewer or Admin Tools.” If this message is displayed, set the following.
(1) Register your Admin Tools certificate with a “Trusted Publisher” (P. 3-4).
(2) In Internet Explorer click [Tools] > [Internet Options] > [Security] > [Custom
level] and under the Security Settings list, set [XAML browser applications],
[File download] and [Launching programs and files in an IFRAME] to [Enable].
Video is not displayed. • To improve video quality, refer to “[Video] Image Size, Quality and Frame Rate
Settings” in “Chapter 4 Setting Page” (P. 4-13) to change settings and make
• Up to 30 viewers can access the camera at the same time. If this limit has been
exceeded, video is not displayed and a message appears.
There is no audio • If there is no audio, check the audio server settings of the camera and also check the
sound and audio device settings for the PC.
• If you are using the Admin Viewer with the administrator authorities, check if the
camera is connected to the RM-Lite Viewer or another viewer that lets the
administrator use audio.
• Audio cannot be received if you are using a proxy server.
• Audio cannot be used when connected via SSL encrypted communications.
• Audio reception functions cannot be used during IPv6 connection.
• Audio cannot be used if add-ons are not installed.
The camera cannot be controlled. • If you connect to the Admin Viewer as an administrator, you will have exclusive
possession of the camera control privileges. If you connect to the Admin Viewer as an
Authorized User, you cannot control the camera unless the administrator releases
camera control. Consult the Administrator (P. 6-2).