Log Messages
●D029 (err)
Message Download was aborted due to insufficient disk space.[%1 remaining, %2
%1 Disk space currently available [MB|KB|byte]
%2 Disk space required for downloading [MB|KB|byte]
●D030 (info)
Message Old image was deleted due to insufficient disk space: %1 image(s)
%1 Number of deleted image(s)
●D031 (warning)
Message Additional free space is going to be required on the disk to save
images.[%1 remaining, %2 required]
%1 Disk space currently available [MB|KB|byte]
%2 Disk space required for downloading [MB|KB|byte]
● D032 (err)
Message Download was aborted because there is no image for deletion due to
insufficient disk space.[%1 remaining, %2 required]
%1 Disk space currently available [MB|KB|byte]
%2 Disk space required for downloading [MB|KB|byte]
●D033 (err)
Message Another application is accessing the same server.
●D035 (info)
Message The number of downloaded images has reached to the limit.
Explanation This message appears when the number of download images per session
reached to the limit.
●D036 (info)
Message Due to shortage of disk space, old images have been deleted.
●D037 (info)
Message The content of the image list is invalid.