2.1.2 Nibble mode
In nibble mode, 8-bit data is sent from the printer to the host PC in two 4-bit blocks.
The printer lowers the DataAvail signal when it is ready to send data to the host PC.
After confirming the fall in the HostBusy signal, the printer prepares 8 bits of data
and outputs the low 4 bits on the control signal line on the fall in the PtrClk signal.
When the PtrClk signal drops, the host PC fetches the data and raises the HostBusy
and PtrClk signals.
Next, when the printer has confirmed the second drop in the HostBusy signal, it
outputs the high 4 bits of data to the control signal line. If, after the HostBusy signal
has risen, there is no more data to be sent to the host PC, the DataAvail signal rises
and the printer enters a standby state until there is more data to be sent.
2.1.3 ECP mode
Because data is sent and received in both directions on the data bus in ECP mode,
data can be received at high speed. Because control signals can be used to separate
data from commands, and bidirectional communication can be established within this
mode, there is no need to switch to other modes when switching the direction in
which data is being sent.
The data bus switches direction from forward to reverse data transmission in
response to a fall in the AckReverse (PE) signal from the printer.
The data bus switches direction from reverse to forward data transmission in
response to a rise in the ReverseRequest (Init) signal.
Part 4: Technical Reference
Status maintained.