8-14 Troubleshooting Chapter 8
Message Error Code Cause Action
REC. PAPER JAM #009 The MultiPASS has no Add paper or clear the
paper in its sheet feeder, jam, then press STOP.
or has a paper jam. If a document was
received in memory,
the unit will print it
automatically from
RECEIVED IN FILE — The document was Press FUNCTION then
was received in the select FILE PRINT from
memory of the the menu to print the
MultiPASS. document.
REC’D IN MEMORY — The paper or ink ran out, Add paper to the sheet
or a paper jam occurred, feeder, change the
so the MultiPASS BJ cartridge, or clear
received the document the paper jam. Press
in memory. STOP to clear the error
message. The MultiPASS
automatically prints the
document stored in
START AGAIN — An error has occurred Start the procedure
in the phone line or in again from the
the system. beginning.
STOP KEY PRESSED — You pressed the STOP Resume operation.
button to cancel the
current operation.
TALK — The MultiPASS is set Answer the call.
for Fax/Tel mode and
you are receiving a
telephone call.
TX/RX CANCELLED — You pressed STOP to Try sending again.
cancel the transmission.
TX/RX NO. nnnn — When the MultiPASS Write the number down
sends or receives a fax, if you’ll need it later.
it assigns it a unique
identification number
MPC-635—USERS MANUAL/V000/06-99