
ESCape sequence code for colour printing
When the Color BJ Cartridge BC-11e is installed in the printer, the following
colour command is available.
Function ASCII Dec. Hex.
Select colour printing ESC [ M n1 n
2 m 27 91 77 n1 n2 m 1B 5B 4D n1 n2 m
1 = 1, n2
= 0
m = 0; Black (default)
m = 1; Blue
m = 2; Red
m = 3; Magenta
m = 4; Green
m = 5; Cyan
m = 6; Yellow
LQ mode command summary
All of the control codes shown in the following tables can be used when
the printer is in LQ mode.
Because of hardware differences, the justification code (ESC a) is not
supported on your printer. The styles of block graphics characters at 12
cpi are also different from normal LQ-2550 printing.
Basic control codes
Function ASCII Dec. Hex.
End command NUL 0 00
Sound beeper BEL 7 07
Backspace one character BS 8 08
Horizontal tab control HT 9 09
Move to next tab.
Perform line feed LF 10 0A
Vertical tab control VT 11 0B
Move to next tab.
Perform form feed FF 12 0C
Perform carriage return CR 13 0D
Set double-wide mode by line SO 14 0E
Set condensed mode (17 cpi) SI 15 0F
Cancel by DC2.
Select printer DC1 17 11
Cancel condensed mode DC2 18 12
Set by SI. Cancel also by setting 2nd bit to 0 in the ESC ! n code.
Deselect printer DC3 19 13
Cancel double-wide mode DC4 20 14
Cancel line CAN 24 18
Insert space SP 32 20
Delete character DEL 127 7F
Appendix C Printer Command Summaries