Setting Item Description, Instructions
MAC Address Indicates the MAC address.
Interface Print Print interface settings information.
Return Defaults Choose OK to restore Interface Setup settings to the de-
fault values.
Sleep Timer Specify the period before the printer enters sleep mode.
Shut Down Timer Sets the time until the printer turns off automatically. If no
operations are performed on the printer for the duration of
the time set in Shut Down Timer after entering Sleep
mode, the printer automatically turns off.
Buzzer Choose On for the buzzer to sound once for warnings and
three times for errors.
Contrast Adj. Adjust the Display Screen contrast level.
Date &
Date Set the current date.
Time Set the current time. Available only if the Date setting is
Date Format Specify the date format.
Language Specify the language used on the Display Screen.
Time Zone Specify the time zone. Time zone options indicate a main
city in this time zone and the difference from Greenwich
Mean Time.
Length Unit Choose the display unit for length. Change the unit dis-
played for the remaining amount of roll paper, Tot.Print
Area, and so on.
Detect Mismatch Specify printing behavior if the type and size of paper
specified in the printer menu does not match the type and
size in the printer driver.
Choose Pause to have printing paused under these cir-
cumstances. Choose Warning to continue printing after
notification. Choose None to continue printing without no-
Size Ba-
Sht Selection 1 If sheet size detection is activated, choose whether ISO
A3+ or 13"x19"(Super B) is applied when a sheet of an
intermediate size is detected.
Sht Selection 2 If sheet size detection is activated, choose whether ISO
B1 or 28"x40" (ANSI F) is applied when a sheet of an in-
termediate size is detected.
Keep Paper Size Choose On to use the paper size setting as the basis for
printing instead of other settings. The margin setting of the
printer menu will be used instead of the margin setting of
the printer driver if the latter is smaller, which may prevent
text or images in the margin from being printed.
Choose Off to give priority to margin settings. The larger
value is used if the margin specified in the printer driver
does not match the margin in the printer menu.
Menu Settings
User's Guide
Control Panel Printer Menu