
I-4 Index
Drying time, papers: 2-16
ECM: 7-10
cannot send: 7-27
Effective scanning width: A-9
Envelopes: 2-2 to 2-3, 2-6, A-2 to A-3
do not load: 7-25
loading: 2-14 to 2-15
printable areas: A-5
Environmental conditions: A-13
European DL envelopes: 2-3, A-2 to A-3
Fabric Sheet: 1-6, 2-2, 2-5 to 2-6, 2-16, 2-21
to 2-23, A-2 to A-3
FAX FINE mode: 4-3 to 4-4
Fax Only mode: 5-2, 5-5
FAX PHOTO mode: 4-3 to 4-4
Fax Retrieval System: 1-9
FAX STANDARD mode: 4-3 to 4-4
adjusting quality: 4-2 to 4-4
cannot send: 7-26 to 7-27
dialing: A-7
do not print: 7-30
document requirements: 3-2
images, blotched: 7-30
manual sending: 4-8 to 4-9
memory: 5-11
preparing: 4-2 to 4-5
printing speed: A-7
problems: 7-26 to 7-31
receiving: 5-1 to 5-11
reception, color: 4-2
resolution: A-7
scanning speed: A-6
sending: 4-1 to 4-28
specifications: A-6 to A-7
Fax/Tel mode: 5-2, 5-4
does not switch: 7-29
Fixing agent, fabric sheet: 2-21
Fonts, not smooth: 7-20
Function button/light: 1-16 to 1-17, 2-21,
3-16 to 3-17, 4-17, 4-19 to 4-20, 4-23, 6-14
Garbage printing: 7-18
problems: 7-33
specifications: A-13 to A-14
Glossary: G-1 to G-15
Glossy Photo Paper: 1-6, 2-2 to 2-3, 2-16, A-2
to A-3
Grayscale: 3-14
Greeting Cards: 1-6, 2-2, 2-4, A-2 to A-3
Grounding-type plug: 1-11
Group dialing: 4-15
loading paper: 2-9 to 2-11
MultiPASS: 6-2 to 6-3
print media: 2-6
specialty papers: 2-16 to 2-17
Halftones: 4-3
Hard disk space: 1-3
Hardware requirements: 1-3, A-12
Help, Canon: 1-9
High Gloss Film: 1-6, 2-2, 2-5, 2-16, A-2 to
High Resolution Paper: 1-6, 2-2, 2-4 to 2-5,
2-18 to 2-19, A-2 to A-3
Home position, cartridge holder: 6-21, 6-27 to
Hook button: 1-16 to 1-17, 4-8, 4-27
Hue, changes: 7-23