
7-12 Working With Documents in the Desktop Manager Chapter 7
Merging a Document
You can merge two documents to combine them into a single document.
The documents are merged in the order you select them. In other words,
the first document selected becomes the top pages of the second
document selected. Both documents are merged into the second
1. Select the two documents you want to merge (by holding the Ctrl
key and clicking each document).
2. Choose the Merge command from the Edit menu or Document
Indexing and Searching for Documents
Each document you add to the Desktop Manager stores key information
about itself into an internal database giving you great flexiblity when it
comes to document indexing and searching. You can also manually
index your documents, adding keywords and other parameters that you
can use later when searching for documents.
To index your documents, you first set up your index and then you
assign the index criteria to your documents.
Setting Up the Index
The Desktop Manager allows you to search for documents by date
and text, as well as by creator, owner, and keyword. Before you can use
these search criteria however, you must first add them to the Desktop