Problem 5: Network information for the printer has not be set.
Solution: If the printer is connected to a Windows network, confirm the network
settings with the operation panel. (ÆSetup Guide)
Solution: If the printer is connected to a Macintosh network, use the Remote UI to
select “Phase 2” for the AppleTalk protocol.(ÆNetwork Guide)
Printing Does Not Start
No error message displayed.
Problem 1: Printer is not selected as the destination for the print job.
Solution: If you are using Windows or MacOS X, make sure that the correct name of
the printer is selected in the name box of the Print dialog box, then try
Solution: If you are using Mac OS 8/9, make sure that the correct name of the printer
is selected with the Chooser.
Problem 2: Print queue is halted.
Solution: With Windows, open the Printer window and click the printer icon. Open
the File menu and click Pause Printing to release the print job from paused
Solution: With Mac OS 8/9, open GARO Printmonitor, then select Resume Printing
from the File menu to release the print job from paused printing.
Solution: With Mac OS X, open Print Center, select Resume Job from the Jobs
Problem 3: The printer is offline.
Solution: Press the Online button to set the printer online.