Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The protocol used to connect to the
Internet and wide area networks.
Telephone Line Type
Depending on the type of phone line that you have, set the machine to touch tone (T)
or pulse (P) dialing.
Tagged Image File Format. A file format that saves images as high-density bitmaps,
and is suitable for large amounts of image data. The information field (tag) at the start
of each image data record indicates the type of data represented.
Some data services may require that you use tone dialing. If you have a pulse dial
telephone, press [Tone] to switch temporarily from pulse to tone dialing when
connecting to these data services.
Transmission Time
A fax transmission consists of three stages: the machine that sends the fax connects
with the machine receiving it; the fax is then transmitted, after which the sender and
the recipient exchange signals to confirm the end of transmission. The transmission
time described in this guide is not the total time required for the entire send/receive
transaction, but only the time it takes for the machine to transmit the fax document.
Transmit Terminal Identification. Also called the TX Terminal ID. The TTI is the name
of a person or an organization and the facsimile number of the machine that sends a
document. In addition to the unit name that you register for the machine, you can
create up to 99 sender names that can be used in place of the unit's name when you
send a fax document.
Abbreviation for "Transmission/Sending."
Ultra Fast Rendering II. A printing algorithm for realizing high-speed rendering. UFR
II enables processing tasks to be executed and divided appropriately between the
host PC and the printer to greatly reduce overall printing time.