SNMP Support
Issue 1 July 2006 73
SNMP Support
Introduction to SNMP
SNMP Versions
There are currently three versions of SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol):
● SNMPv1
● SNMPv2c
● SNMPv3
The C360 supports device access using all three versions of SNMP.
Managers and Agents
SNMP uses software entities called managers and agents to manage network devices. The
manager monitors and controls all other SNMP-managed devices or network nodes on the
network. There must be at least one SNMP Manager in a managed network. The manager is
installed on a workstation located on the network.
An agent resides in a managed device or network node. The agent receives instructions from
the SNMP Manager, generates reports in response to requests from the SNMP Manager, and
also sends management information back to the SNMP Manager as events occur. Each C360
module has an agent. However, on each C360 stack, one module is selected to be the master
module. The stack is managed via the master module's agent.
There are many SNMP management applications, but all these applications perform the same
basic task. They allow SNMP managers to communicate with agents to configure, get statistics
and information, and receive alerts from network devices. You can use any SNMP-compatible
network management system to monitor and control the C360.
Manager/Agent Communication
There are several ways that the SNMP manager and the agent communicate.
The manager can:
● Retrieve a value - a get action
The SNMP manager requests information from the agent, such as the link status of an
Ethernet port or the number of good packets received on the switch. The agent gets the
value of the requested MIB variable and sends the value back to the manager.