Your printer has two resident printer control modes: BJ-10 mode and
Epson LQ mode. BJ-10 mode is the default.
If you were able to select a Canon BJ printer or the IBM Proprinter
X24E through your application program, you will want to use the
printer in BJ-10 mode. This mode gives you the fullest range of features.
If your application program does not support the Canon BJ or the IBM
Proprinter X24E printers, but does support an Epson LQ printer, you
can use the printer in LQ mode.
You can also select a printer control mode based on specific text
features you want to use in your document. If you will be printing only
text (no graphics), select LQ mode if Epson drivers are available. If you
plan to print both text and graphics, select BJ-10 mode.
The following table lists the fonts and pitches that are available in each
printer control mode.
* In BJ-10 mode, Courier 12 cpi is available in HS mode only.
** In BJ-10 mode, proportional spacing is not available in HS mode.
Printer Control Mode
Font design/typeface BJ-10 Epson LQ
Prestige 12 characters per inch (cpi)
in HQ mode only
10 cpi, 12 cpi, 15
cpi, 17 cpi, 20 cpi,
Courier 10 cpi, 12 cpi*, 17 cpi,
proportional spacing (PS)
10 cpi, 12 cpi, 15
cpi, 17 cpi, 20 cpi,
Sans Serif Not available 10 cpi, 12 cpi, 15
cpi, 17 cpi, 20 cpi,
Draft (available in HS
mode only)
Not available 10 cpi, 12 cpi, 15
cpi, 17 cpi, 20 cpi,
Roman Not available 10 cpi, 12 cpi, 15
cpi, 17 cpi, 20 cpi,
Script Not available 10 cpi, 12 cpi, 15
cpi, 17 cpi, 20 cpi,
Orator Not available 10 cpi, 12 cpi, 15
cpi, 17 cpi, 20 cpi,
Orator-S Not available 10 cpi, 12 cpi, 15
cpi, 17 cpi, 20 cpi,