13. The power cord on this product
contains chemicals, including lead,
known to the State of California
to cause [cancer and] birth defects
or other reproductive harm. Wash
hands after handling.
14. To reduce the risk of injury, close
supervision is necessary when a
product is used near children.
Risk of electrocution
• Inspectcordbeforeusing-Donotuse
if cord is damaged.
• Keepallelectricalconnectionsdryand
off the ground.
• Donottouchplugwithwethands.
• Thisproductisprovidedwithaground
fault circuit interrupter built into the
power cord plug. If replacement of
the plug or cord is needed, use only
identical replacement parts.
• Donotsprayelectricalapparatusand
Risk of injection or sever injury
• Highpressure.Keepclearofnozzle.
Do not discharge streams at persons or
• NEVER put hand or fingers over spray
tip while operating the unit.
• NEVER try to stop or deflect leaks with
any body part.
• Alwaysengagethetriggersafetylatch
in the safe position when spraying
is stopped even if only for a few
• Pointguninsafedirection.Unitwill
start spraying when trigger is squeezed
if “ON/OFF” switch is in “ON” position.
• Dischargepressure–When“ON/OFF”
switch is in “OFF” position, pressure
may still exist in unit. To discharge
pressure, point gun is safe direction
and squeeze trigger.
Risk of explosion
• Donotsprayflammableliquids.
• NEVER use in areas containing
combustible dust, liquids, or vapors.
• Highpressure-Gunkicksback–Hold
gun with both hands.
• Keephoseawayfromsharpobjects.
Bursting hoses may cause injury.
Examine hose regularly and replace if
damaged. Do not attempt to mend a
damaged hose.
• Useonlydetergentsspecifically
formulated for pressure washers.
Always follow detergent
manufacturer’s label recommendations
for proper use of detergents. Always
protect eyes, skin, and respiratory
system from detergent.
• Foreitherindoororoutdooruse.Store
indoors and where temperature stays
above freezing.
• Unplugunitwhennotinuse.
• Pressurewasherisnotmeanttopump
hot water. Do not connect to hot water
• NEVER leave the unit unattended
while it is plugged in.
• ALWAYS turn water supply “ON”
before turning pressure washer “ON.”
Running pump dry causes damage.
Operating Instructions and Parts List PW1350