CC640 Digital Camera
Table 2. Explanation of Configuration Settings
Parameter Type Description Default
Read Only The firmware version of the CC640 operating system N/A
PakBus Port
Read/Write Options: NONE, CS I/O, RS-485, RS-232
Only select a PakBus Port if communications are being used to
transfer images via PakBus.
PakBus Address
Read/Write Options: 1 – 4094 55
A PakBus Address should be assigned to the camera for
PakBus Communications.
PakBus Destination
Read/Write Options: 1 – 4094 1
This is the PakBus address of the destination device where the
image files will be transmitted. The device is normally a
Campbell Scientific datalogger.
Read/Write Options: 0 – 10 Seconds 1
Additional Delays can be added for PakBus networks with
long propagation delays.
RS-485 BAUD rate
Read/Write Options: 230400, 115200, 76800, 57600, 38400, 28800,
19200, 9600, 1200
RS-232 BAUD rate
Read/Write Options: 230400, 115200, 76800, 57600, 38400, 28800,
19200, 9600, 1200
Read/Write Options: 7 or 8 8
If other CSDC devices are connected to the same CS I/O port,
each device must have its own address.
Compression Level
Options: Very High, High, Medium, Low, None High
This option selects the amount of compression to be applied to
the JPG files. Higher compression levels result in smaller files
but the images will lose subtle details. Selecting none will
produce a large sized (480Kb) Lossless image.
Start Minute
Read/Write Options: 0-1339 0
If the camera is in a Self-Timed Mode, this parameter allows a
start time from Midnight to be selected.
Stop Minute
Read/Write Options: 0-1440 1440
If the camera is in a Self-Timed Mode, this parameter allows a
stop time from Midnight to be selected.
Self-Timed Interval
Read/Write Options: 0-1440 0
If this parameter is non–zero then the camera will
automatically wake itself up and acquire images based on the
interval entered.
Motorized Enclosure
Read/Write Options: Disable, Enable Disable
Select enable if the ENC-CC motorized covered enclosure is
used. It is important to select disable if the motorized
enclosure is not used. Selecting enable when a motorized
enclosure is not present will slow down the operation of the
Firmware Checksum
Read Only This is the checksum calculated from the firmware present on
the camera.