Cadillac ATS Owner Manual - 2013 - crc - 6/5/12
Driving and Operating 9-61
If the LDW camera sensor is
blocked by dirt, snow, or ice, or if
the headlamps are not cleaned or
properly aimed, or if the
windshield is dirty or damaged, it
may not detect the lanes ahead.
LDW may not help avoid a crash
under these conditions. Keep the
headlamps cleaned and properly
aimed and the windshield clean.
LDW warnings may occur due to tar
marks, shadows, cracks in the road,
or other road imperfections. This is
normal system operation; the
vehicle does not need service.
Use of the recommended fuel is an
important part of the proper
maintenance of this vehicle. To help
keep the engine clean and maintain
optimum vehicle performance, we
recommend the use of gasoline
advertised as TOP TIER Detergent
Look for the TOP TIER label on the
fuel pump to ensure gasoline meets
enhanced detergency standards
developed by auto companies. A list
of marketers providing TOP TIER
Detergent Gasoline can be found at
www.toptiergas.com. TOP TIER
gasoline is only available in the U.S.
and Canada.
The eighth digit of the Vehicle
Identification Number (VIN) shows
the code letter or number that
identifies the vehicle's engine. The
VIN is at the top left of the
instrument panel. See Vehicle
Identification Number (VIN) on
page 12‑1.
Vehicles that have a yellow fuel cap
can use either unleaded gasoline or
ethanol fuel containing up to 85%
ethanol (E85). See Fuel E85 (85%
Ethanol) on page 9‑64. For all other
vehicles, use only the unleaded
gasoline described under
Recommended Fuel on page 9‑62.