Playing the Radio
VOL P (Volume/Power): The power knob is part of
the VOL (volume) knob and is located above the
radio, at the left side of the clock. Press to turn the
system on and off.
Turn the VOL knob clockwise or counterclockwise to
increase or decrease the volume.
Speed Compensated Volume (SCV): A Radio with
Speed Compensated Volume (SCV) automatically
adjusts the sound to compensate for road and wind
noise as the vehicle speeds up or slows down, so that
the volume is consistent while driving. That way,
the volume level should sound about the same as you
drive. To activate SCV:
1. Set the radio volume to the desired level.
2. Press the CONFIG button to display the radio
setup menu.
3. Press the pushbutton under the AUTO VOL
(automatic volume) label on the radio display.
4. Press the pushbutton under the desired Speed
Compensated Volume setting (OFF, Low, Med,
or High) to select the level of radio volume
compensation. The display times out after
approximately 10 seconds. Each higher setting
allows for more radio volume compensation at faster
vehicle speeds.
Noise Compensation Technology: If your vehicle has
the Radio with DVD Audio, HDD, and USB, it includes
Bose AudioPilot
noise compensation technology.
When turned on, AudioPilot
continuously adjusts the
audio system equalization, to compensate for
background noise.
This feature is most effective at lower radio volume
settings where background noise can affect how well
you hear the music being played through your vehicle’s
audio system. At higher volume settings, where the
music is much louder than the background noise, there
might be little or no adjustments by AudioPilot
. For
additional information on AudioPilot
, visit
To activate AudioPilot
1. Press the CONFIG button to display the radio
setup menu.
2. Press the pushbutton under the AUTO VOL label
on the radio display.
3. Press either the On or Off label located under the
AUTO VOL display to turn this feature on or off.
The display times out after approximately
10 seconds.