
5-2 SmartSwitch 1800 4.0 User Guide, Rev 01
To add, change, or remove (unload) a protocol (a removed protocol will remain
available for re-loading), press the letter corresponding to the protocol number. The
column will display the next available protocol among those in the model
of SmartSwitch 1800 that was purchased. All possible protocols are listed in
Table 5-1.
To display a list of all protocols purchased with the SmartSwitch 1800,
, then
, then
from the Main Menu.
X.25 is always loaded, and is not a configurable option. This pre-
vents the possiblility of deleting X.25, which is a necessary protocol
for use by internal SmartSwitch 1800 traffic.
Follow these guidelines when configuring protocols:
RIP is a valid choice only if IP is already specified.
If SNMP is configured, IP must also be configured.
If LLC2 is configured, BRIDGE must also be configured.
If NVSP is configured, LLC2 and BRIDGE must also be configured.
With the exception of X.25, protocols must be configured in the Pro-
tocol file before they can be configured on ports.
After all desired changes have been made, press
to save the changes, then reboot
the SmartSwitch 1800 as follows:
Rebooting will clear all connections on this device. However, the
device must be rebooted to implement the change.
1. Press
2. When asked:
Reboot the SmartSwitch 1800?
, press
3. Type
restart [Enter]
Table 5-1 Protocol Parameters
Parameter Valid Values Default Value
Protocol None, FR (frame relay), Async, SDLC, BSC-I,
(NetView Service Point), BRIDGE, VOICE
Next available protocol
not already configured