SmartSwitch 9A100 User Guide B-7
Agent Support Managing the SmartSwitch 9A100
Not Supported
The following MIB objects are not supported. If used, these objects return either the value zero or the message, “Not
• atmInterfaceMaxVpcs
• atmInterfaceConfVpcs
• atmInterfaceDs3PlcpTable
• atmInterfaceTCTable
• atmVplTable
• atmVpCrossConnectIndexNext
• atmVpCrossConnectTable
• atmSvcVpCrossConnectTable
• atmSigSupportTable
• atmSigDescrParamTable
• atmIfAdminAddrTable
• atmVclAddrBindTable
• atmAddrVclTable
• atmVplStatTable
• atmVplLogicalPortTable
• atmVclGenTable
• atmfMyOsiNmNsapAddress
• atmfVpcTable
• lecRouteDescrTable
• leRDArpTable
B.2 MANAGING THE SmartSwitch 9A100
Your SmartSwitch 9A100 must be IP reachable by the network management system (NMS) before it can be managed.
The default connection between the SmartSwitch 9A100 and the NMS is the SmartSwitch 9A100 Ethernet interface.
Use the
show SwitchConfig command to find the IP address of the SmartSwitch 9A100. An NMS can use this IP
address to reach the SmartSwitch 9A100 through Ethernet. An NMS can also manage the SmartSwitch 9A100
through one of its ATM ports if the SmartSwitch 9A100 has a client connection into a VLAN or emulated LAN.
Note that the SmartSwitch 9A100 itself, is not reachable through ATM until a client for the switch is created and
participates as a member of a VLAN or ELAN. Your NMS uses that switch client’s address to access and manage the
To create a client for the switch, use the
add IPATMClient command for VLANs and add LANEClient for emulated
Use the
set MyNmAddr command to tell the SmartSwitch 9A100 which interface to use when communicating with your
NMS. For detailed information about these commands, see the SmartCell 6A000/ZX-250 Reference Manual.