ank you for purchasing your new Bushnell Legend Ultra HD™ Binoculars.
is manual will help you optimize your viewing experience by explaining how you can adjust the
binocular to your eyes, and how to care for this instrument. Read the instructions carefully before using
your binocular.
Interpupillary Distance Adjustment
Fig. 1
How to Adjust for Distance Between Your Eyes
e distance between the eyes, called “interpupillary distance,”
varies from person to person.
To achieve perfect alignment of lens to eyes, follow these simple
1. Hold your binocular in the normal viewing position.
2. Grasp each barrel rmly. Move the barrels closer
together or further apart (Fig. 1) until you see a single
circular eld. Always re-set your binocular to this
position before using it.
How to Adjust for Individual Eye Strength
As individual eyesight varies from one person to another, your
Bushnell Legend Ultra HD binocular has a diopter setting
feature which allows you to fine-tune the binocular to your
vision. Follow the focusing instructions on the next page.