To attach the short strap adapter, first align the strap with the plastic post positioned as shown in Fig. 5. Push the post
straight down onto the release button (white arrow), then slide it up towards the eyepiece (black arrow) as shown in Fig.
5, until it clicks into place. Make sure the release button pops back up. e long neckstrap may be looped through
the lugs on the short straps either before or after this procedure. To remove the strap, press the release button, and slide
the post back out of the socket (Fig. 6).
To attach the Infinity
to a tripod or monopod, unscrew (counter-clockwise) the “B” logo cap which covers the threaded
socket inside the center hinge, and set it aside in a safe place. Use a compatible binocular tripod adapter, such as the
Bushnell model #161001, (an “L” shaped device which goes between the binocular and tripod) to attach it to any
standard tripod in a horizontal position to provide a stable image during prolonged viewing.
Binocular Tripod
Adapter (optional)
Strap Attachment Socket
Fig. 7
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Infinity Binocs 6LIM.indd 9 4/3/07 11:55:12 PM