Unit will not turn on
1. Check that the batteries are installed correctly (2). If the batteries are installed correctly and the batteries are good, then the
greenLED indicator light should be on steadily.
2. Check that the power button (3) has been pressed.
Power does not stay on
1. Replace the batteries when they become weak.
2. The unit normally turns off automatically after 2 minutes to conserve battery power. To defeat this, briefly press the IR switch.
Image is not focused.
1. Adjust the objective focus wheel (6) and eyepiece display focus (5).
2. Make sure you are not too close to the object you are viewing.
Your Bushnell Digital Night Vision device was designed to provide many years of reliable service. To ensure that you get the most
enjoyment out of your Digital Night Vision device, always obey the following warnings and precautions.
• Donotopenthebodyofthedeviceorotherwiseattempttoservicethisdevice.
• Alwaysstorethedeviceinadry,wellventilatedroom.
• Keepthedeviceawayfromanyheatingandairconditioningventsorotherheatingdevices,directsunlight,andmoisture.
• Avoiddropping or otherwise shocking theunit. Although designed for ruggedoutdoor use, thisdevice incorporatesa
sophisticated digital circuitry which could be damaged in extreme cases of misuse.
• Cleantheopticallenswithaprofessionallenscleaningsupplies.
• Cleantheexteriorofthedevicewithasoftcleancloth.
• AvoidremovingtheeyepieceastheLCDdisplaycouldbecomedamaged.
• Donotleavethedeviceindirectsunlightorrain.
• Removethebatteriesifthedevicewillnotbeusedforlongerthanafewweeks.
For any other problems or questions, please contact Bushnell Customer Service at:
(800) 423-3537 • www.bushnell.com