Congratulations on the purchase of your Bushnell Night Vision Product.
Bushnell Night Vision products are comprised of high quality image
intensifier tubes and optics. Bushnell Night Vision products amplify existing
light, allowing you to see in dark conditions too dark for the naked eye.
Bushnell Night Vision products collect and amplify existing light through the
objective lens, which is then focused on the image intensifier. Inside the intensifier,
a photocathode is “excited” by the light and converts the photon energy into
e l e c t r ons. These electrons accelerate across an electrostatic field inside the
intensifier and strike a phosphor screen (like a green monochrome TV scre e n )
which emits an image that you can see. It is the acceleration of electrons, which
p r ovides gain and enhances the image. This is a Generation I device.
Your Night Vision device offers a Directional Sound Amplification System (DSAS),
p roviding you with the added benefit of a highly sophisticated sound amplification
system. DSAS utilizes the latest developments in electronic sound amplification by
combining our exclusive high sensitivity DIRECTIONAL microphone with a state of
the art noise reduction system, providing unparalleled sound enhancement.
Your Night Vision device is ideal for a variety of professional and re c reational uses
including the following: Wild Life Observation, Astro n o m y, Boating / Marine Use,
Police / Law Enforcement, Search and Rescue, Security, Property Management
Installing Batteries
This device operates on two AA batteries. To
install, unscrew the battery compartment
cover located on the bottom of the unit.
Insert the batteries into the battery
compartment so that the (+) and negative (-)
terminals of the batteries match the markings
inside the compartment. Replace the battery
cover carefully – do not over tighten.
Use and Te s t i n g
This device operates on two AA batteries.
Make sure they have been installed accord i n g
to the instructions above.
Attach the receiving antenna of the DSAS
d i rectional microphone (1) and insert
headphone plug into the audio output jack
(2). If you wish to test your night vision device
in a lighted area, be sure the objective lens cap is covering the objective lens (3)
prior to pressing the “POWER” button. The objective lens cap has a pinhole
opening to admit a small amount of light for testing purposes.
If testing or using the device in the dark, remove the objective lens cap and activate
the device by pushing the “POWER” button (4).
Set the preliminary focus adjustment by placing the adjusting mark (located on top
of the objective focusing ring) opposite the letter “N” in the word “Normal”(11).
Place headphone in ears and activate the DSAS microphone by depressing the
“ON” button (6).
If the subject is to be viewed in a completely dark area where no ambient light
s o u rce (such as moonlight) is available, activate the Infrared Illuminator by pre s s i n g
the Infrared Illuminator button (5) located next to the “POWER” button. Direct the
device at an object at a distance approximately 100 yards and rotate the eyepiece
(7) to give the best quality image. After the adjusting, do not rotate the eyepiece
any longer irrespective of the distance and other conditions. Direct the device at
the subject to be viewed and adjust the final focus by rotating the objective lens
focusing ring until the image quality is optimal.
Adjust sound amplification volume to an optimal level by pressing the volume
c o n t rol buttons (8). If the sound is to be re c o r ded, insert the tape re c o rder plug
into the jack (9) and start re c o r ding.
The Green LED indicates that the light amplifier unit is on. The Red LED indicates
that the Infrared Illuminator is on. The Yellow LED indicates that the DIRECTIONAL
SOUND AMPLIFICATION SYSTEM is operating. Always remember to turn the unit
o f f when done. Do not store this device while the indicators are lit. This device can
be mounted on any tripod with a 1/4“ tripod socket (10).
C a u t i o n : This device can be used in extreme cold weather. However, when the
unit is brought back into a warm environment, you must wait appro x i m a t e l y
5 hours before using the unit again. Damage may occur due to condensation that
may have accumulated on the internal circuitry of the unit.
Spots In The Image
•You may see spots in the image. These vary from device to device and are
cosmetic blemishes inside the device. These are normal for Night Vision devices
and are NOT a defect.
Scope will not turn on.
Check that the batteries are installed pro p e r l y. Replace the batteries with new
ones. Check the battery contacts to ensure they are clean and free of corro s i o n .
Check that the power is in the “ON” position.
Image is not focused.
Adjust the focus on the Eyepiece (7). Adjust the Objective Lens Focusing Ring.
If still no improvement, clean the lenses; they may be foggy or dusty.
Visibility decreases or disappears.
Bright light sources such as headlights may cause visibility to degrade or disappear
c o m p l e t e l y. Tu rn the Power OFF (4) and turn the scope away from the light sourc e .
The unit will re s t o re itself in 1 or 2 minutes. Conditions such as fog or extre m e l y
dark environments will decrease visibility.
Scope flashes.
The scope may flash when used in a bright environment. It may also flash during
the first few seconds of use in dark enviro n m e n t s .
The sound amplification system is not amplifying properly.
Make sure the DIRECTIONAL antenna is tightly connected to the micro p h o n e .
Check your headset connection; make sure your batteries are fre s h .
Your Bushnell Night Vision device was designed to provide many years of re l i a b l e
service. To ensure that you get the most enjoyment out of your Night Vision device,
always obey the following warning and pre c a u t i o n s :
•Do not point this device toward any light source greater than 1 lux such as car
headlights, for an extended period of time. This device utilizes an internal flash
p r otection system which minimizes potential damage, but long-term exposure to
bright lights can damage the unit. Any such damage may void your warranty.
•This device was designed to be self-contained. Do not open the body of the
device or otherwise attempt to service this device.
•Always store the device in a dry, well-ventilated room.
•Remove the batteries if the device is to be stored for longer than 2 months.
•Keep the device away from any heating and air conditioning vents or other
heating devices, direct sunlight, and moisture .
•Avoid dropping or otherwise shocking the unit. Although designed for rugged
outdoor use, this device incorporates a sophisticated optical system, which could
be damaged in extreme cases of misuse.
•Clean the optical lenses with professional lens cleaning supplies.
•Clean the exterior of the device with a soft clean cloth.
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Lit. #: 91-0231/11-01
Audio Monocular • Monoculaire Audio
Audio Monocular • Audio-Spektiv