Parameter Settings
ISO Auto, 100, 200, 400,
Sets the sensor’s sensitivity to light. “Auto” will automatically select lower ISO in bright light,
higher ISO in lower light. Lower ISO settings=better image quality
Color Standard, Vivid,
Sepia, Monochrome
Standard=normal colors, Vivid=extra rich colors, Sepia=”antique” photo eect,
Monochrome=black & white photo eect.
Saturation High, Normal, Low Selects amount of color saturation. High=deeper colors, Low=softer colors.
Sharpness Hard, Normal, Soft Sets the amount of sharpening applied by the internal processor. You may want to select “Soft” if
you prefer to add sharpening later using photo software on your PC.
Preview On, O “On”=captured image is briey shown on display immediately after snapping photo.
Time Stamp O, Date Only,
Select “Date Only” to imprint date on photos/videos. Select “Date & Time” to imprint both date
and time. Be sure correct date/time has been set, using “Date Input” in the Setup Menu. Select
O (default) if you don’t want date or time imprinted on images.
Burst On, O When set to “On”, a rapid series of 3 photos will be taken with each press of the SNAP button.
Noise Reduce On, O “On”=software processing is automatically applied to help reduce appearance of digital noise
(grain) in photos taken under low light and other dicult conditions.