
Main Menu System (Default Settings in Bold)
Group Settings Description
CAMERA Still Photo Camera Icon Photographs 3.2 megapixel still frames
Video Clip Normal Video
(Movie icon w/
straight arrow)
Shoots standard continuous video, with time limited only by avail
able remaining internal or SD card memory
Replay Video (Movie
icon w/circling
Shoots video “loops”, rerecording over earlier video. Loops are fixed
length (from 8 to 60 seconds), as determined by video resolution
and frame rate (FPS).
Auto White Balance is automatically set for correct color reproduction
Daylight Manual setting for outdoor sunny conditions
Light Bulb Manual setting for indoor tungsten (light bulb) lighting
Fluorescent Manual setting for indoor fluorescent lighting
Cloudy Manual setting for outdoor overcast or shade conditions
-2.0 ~ +2.0 Provides manual under/over exposure adjustment in 0.5 EV steps.
Minus values produce darker photos, plus values lighter.
*Scene and Sequence settings in “Mode” are not available when “Camera” is set for Normal or Replay Video
Main Menu System continued
Group Item Settings Description
MODE Scene * Program Standard auto exposure for most subjects or general purpose
Sports Uses higher shutter speeds to help freeze motion
Landscape Deeper zone of focus for extended sharpness from foreground to background
Portrait Shallow zone of focus for photos of people-helps isolate subject from background
Night Uses lower shutter speeds for better low light exposures
Self Timer Yes / No Photo taken after a delay time when Snap button is pressed
Sequence * 3 or 5 Shot 3 or 5 frames taken in rapid sequence when Snap is pressed
(Still Photo)
Image Size
3 options for image size: L(2048x1536 pixels), M (1600x1200 pixels), or S (640x480 pixels)
Higher resolution settings produce sharper/larger prints but reduce total storage space available.
Use lower settings to store more in memory, or for email,etc. L=3.1MP / M=2.1MP / S=0.35MP
(File Compres
sion Ratio)
Sets amount of jpg file compression. Settings are: Fine-FQ (1:4 compression), Normal-NQ (1:8)
and Economy-EQ (1:16). This can be used independently of Image Size to help store more photos
in exchange for slightly reduced quality.
In Normal
Video Mode
640x480 pixels per frame (Resolution)> at 30 or 15 frames per second (Frame Rate)
320x240 pixels per frame >at 30 or 15 frames per second
(After selecting resolution, press Right arrow key to select frame rate (fps))
In Replay Video
Mode only
640x480 pixels per frame (Resolution)> at 30 or 15 frames per second (Frame Rate)
320x240 pixels per frame >at 30 or 15 frames per second
8, 15, 30 or 60 seconds loop duration dependant on resolution/fps
11-8323 6LIM.indd 14-15 1/28/05 10:45:32 AM