
Setting Date & Time/ Using the Operational Modes
The ImageView will imprint the date and time in the bottom right corner of your photos.
To set the current date and time, after turning on the camera, press and hold both the
MODE and SNAP buttons at the same time, until the display begins to ash. The display
now shows the last two digits of the year. Press the MODE button to move the cursor to
the second digit if necessary. Press the SNAP button to advance the digit to the current
year ("10" for 2010, etc). Then press MODE to go to the next number, which is the month.
Again, use SNAP to change this to the current month. Following the month display is:
date, hour (24hr format), and minute-continue to set these following the same process
using the MODE and then SNAP buttons. When you have completed all of the date/time
settings, the display will stop ashing and return to normal. Note that you will need to
reset the date/time after replacing batteries.
Your ImageView is already setup to produce high quality results right out of the box,
and it is not necessary to use the MODE settings and make any changes to get good
results by simply pressing the SNAP button to take photos. However, as you might want
to shoot a video clip, delete one or more previous photos, or explore other options,
we recommend you review the available mode options listed on the following pages.
Briey pressing the MODE button will step through these operational modes in the
listed order, and you will see the icon for each mode along with its current setting on
the display. Use the SNAP button to select the desired setting for any mode. If you make
no changes, and the SNAP or MODE button is not pressed within 5 seconds, the camera
will return to normal operation and display.