When cycling through the functions, pressing the MODE button a sixth time (once more after “Delete Last
Photo”) will return the camera and display to normal operating mode (a single still photo is taken as soon
as the SNAP button is pressed).
System Requirements
Operating System: Windows® 2000/ME/XP/Vista/Windows 7 (Windows 98 is not supported)
or Mac OS 9 / OS X
Internal USB Port
Downloading Your Photos
1. Connect the supplied cable to the ImageView’s USB port, then directly to
a main USB port on your computer-do not use front panel/keyboard USB
ports or unpowered “hubs”. The camera’s LCD will indicate “Sto”, and the
ImageView will be recognized as a standard “USB Mass Storage” device-no
driver is needed.
2. With Windows XP or later, you can simply use the options in the pop-up
window to copy, view, or print your photos (Fig. 1). On all Windows OS, the
ImageView will appear as a “Removable Disk” under the “My Computer” list
(on Macs, an icon will appear on your desktop). The ImageView’s photo les
are named “IMG_0001.JPG” etc, and are located in the “DCIM” folder on this
“Removable Disk”. You may copy them to your hard drive as you would any
Special Functions/Features (continued)
Fig. 1