Installation and servicing ofthis equi pmentcan behazar dousdueto
mechanical and electrical components. Only trained and qualified
personnel should install, repair, or service this equipment.
Untrained personnelcanperform basicmaintenancefunctionssuch
as cleaning and replacing air filters. All ot her operations must be
performed by trained service personnel. When working on this
equipment,observepr ecautions in the literature, on t ags, and on la-
bels attached toorshippedwiththeunitandothe rsafetyprecautions
that may apply.
Follow all safety codes. Installation must be in compliance with lo-
cal and national building codes. Wear safety glasses, protective
clothing, and work gloves. Have fire extinguisher available. Read
these instructions thoroughly and follow all warnings or cautions
included in literature and attached to the unit.
Recognize safety information. This is the safety-- alert symbol
be alert to the potential for personal injury.
TION and NOTE. These words are used with the safety--alertsym-
bol.DANGER identifiesthe mostserious hazards which will result
in severe personal injury or death. WARNING signifies hazards
which could result in personal injury or death. CAUTION is used
to identify unsafepractices which may resultin minorpersonal in-
jury or product and property damage. NOTE is used to highlight
suggestionswhichwill result in enhancedinstallation,reliability,or
Note: Installer:Thismanualshouldbeleftwiththeequipmentuser.
Failure to follow this caution may result in persona l injury .
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and
liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Failureto follow thiswarning could result in personal injury,
death or property damage.
Do not use this unit if any part has been under water.
Immediately call a qualified service technician to inspect the
unit and to replace any part of the control system which has
been under water.
Failure to follow this caution may result in pe rsonal injury,
When removing access panels or performing maintenance
functionsinsideyour unit,be awareof sharp sheetmetalparts
and screws. Although special care is taken to reduce sharp
edges to a mini mum, be extremely careful when handling
parts or reaching into the unit.
Starting or Shutting Unit Off
To start the unit:
1. Turn on the electrical power supply to unit.
2. Select temperatur e and set MODE cont rol to desired mode.
To shut unit off:
Note: If the unit is being shut down because of a malfunction, call
your dealer as soon as possible.
1. Set system MODE control to OFF.
2. Turn off the electrical power supply to unit.
The operation of your unit is controlled by indoor thermostat. You
simplyadjustthethermostatanditmaintainsthe indoortemperature
atthe level you select. Most thermostats of cooling systems have 3
controls: atemperaturecontrolselector, aFAN control,and aSYS-
TEM or MODE control. Refer to your thermostat owner’s manual
for more information.
To better protectyour investmentand to eliminate unnecessary ser-
vice calls, familiarize yourself with the following facts:
Step 1—Cooling Mode
With the SYSTEM or MODE control set to COOL, your unit will
run in cooling mode until the indoor temperature is lowered to the
level you have selected. On extremely hot days, your unit will run
for longer periods at a time and have shorter “off” periods than on
moderate days.
Step 2—Heating Mode (if installed with optional electric heat)
Your system may also be equipped with an electric heating source.
On cold days and nights, place your MODE control to HEAT and
yoursystemwill automatically turn on thesupplementalheat in or-
der to maintain the level of comfort you have selected.
This section discusses maintenance that should be performed on
yoursystem.Mostmaintenanceshouldbe performedby yourdeal-
er. You,astheowner,may wish to handlesome minormaintenance
for your new unit.
Routine Maintenance
Allroutine maintenanceshouldbe handledby skilled, experienced
personnel.Your dealercan help you establish astandardprocedure.
To assureproperfunctioning oftheunit,flowofcondenserairmust
not be obstructed from reaching the unit. Clearance from the top of
the unit is 48 in. (1219 mm). Clearance of at least 36 in. (914 mm)
is required on sidesexcept thepower entry side (42 in. (1067 mm)
clearance) and the duct side(12 in. ( 305 mm)mi nimumclearance).
Maintenance and Care for the Equipment Owner
Before proceeding with those things you might want to maintain
yourself, please carefully consider the following:
Failureto follow thiswarning could result in personal injury,
death or property damage.
2. When removing access panelsorperforming maintenance
functions inside your unit, be aware of sharp sheet metal
parts and screws. Although special care is taken to reduce
sharp edges to a mini mum, be extremely careful when
handling parts or reaching into the unit.