Features for All Models
User-Friendly Operation Panel
The operation panel is easy to
see and use. The size of the
panel keys and pictograms are
double those of the
conventional models.
The angle of the feed dog can now be adjusted. In addition, it is now much easier to adjust the height of the feed dog.
Furthermore, the thread take-up amount can be adjusted, so that materials from light to medium weight can be sewn
with 3 sub-classes.
Adjustments can be made easily to the optimum settings, so that a wide range of different materials can be sewn.
Excellent Material Compatibility
Easy Gauge Part Replacement
Cam adopted in the lateral position adjustment mechanism for the rotary hook
base allows easy fine adjustments for clearance between needle and rotary hook
point can easily be made, which greatly increases the efficiency of replacing gauge
parts. Furthermore, a needle drop correction function (sideways) is provided, so
that the needle drop position can still be adjusted to the center of the needle hole
even if using commercially-available gauge parts. The gauge parts for previous
models can still be used without any changes.
Semi-dry type(3)
A sealed oil tank is adopted. Oil that remains clean at all
times is supplied to only the rotary hook. The needle bar
and thread take-up do not use any oil.
Minimum lubrication type(0)
A sealed oil tank is adopted. Oil that is always clean is
supplied in the minimum quantities needed to only the parts
that need it, so that high speed sewing can be carried out.
Clean Sewing with No Oil Staining
Oil tank
Sub tank
Needle bar/
Thread take-up
Oil tank
Sub tank
A function to switch between needle feed and lower feed is equipped as a standard
function. Needle feed is effective in preventing uneven material feeding, and lower
feed prevents puckering and is ideal for making quick and frequent turns. The operator
can select the optimum feed method according to the material and the process, so that
sewing quality can be increased.
Feed Method Can Be Switched To Suit The Sewing Application
Needle feed
Lower feed