
Shoulder Exercises
Muscles worked: This exercise emphasizes the
side shoulder muscles (middle deltoids), the
top muscle of the rotator cuff (supraspinatus)
and the trapezius muscles.
Pulley position: Narrow.
Starting position:
• Sit on the bench facing the Power Rods,
knees bent and your feet on the platform.
• Spread the cuff from the handle and slide it
over the opposite forearm near the elbow
(left handle over right forearm and vice
• Sit up straight and maintain erect posture.
• Raise your arms directly out to the sides to
almost shoulder level.
• At the top of the movement you may need to
rotate your hands slightly above the level of
your elbows to prevent the cuffs from sliding
to your wrists.
• Slowly bring your arms into the starting
position near your sides without relaxing.
Key points:
• DO NOT swing the arms upward or move
the trunk during the motion.
SEATED LATERAL SHOULDER RAISE — Shoulder Abduction (elbow stabilized)
Muscles worked: This exercise emphasizes the
serratus anterior muscles, the muscles that can
be seen on the side of the upper rib cage, and
are involved in pushing and overhead
Pulley position: Wide or narrow
Starting position:
• Seated in the 45 degree position, reach
straight behind your body, grasp the handles
with an overhand grip, and bend your
elbows until your hands are near your chest.
Rotate your upper arms away from your
torso so that your elbows are pointing
outward to each side and your palms are
facing forward.
• Keeping knees bent and feet flat on the floor,
lay your head back against the bench and
straighten your arms to the front.
• Be sure that your arms are directly
in line
with the cables, palms facing down and
wrists straight.
• Raise your chest and "pinch" your shoulder
blades together. Maintain a very slight,
comfortable arch in your lower back.
• Keeping your arms straight and pointing the
same direction of the cables, slowly move
your shoulder blades forward off of the
bench, as if shoving your arms straight
• Slowly return to the starting position
without bending your arms.
Key points:
• Maintain a 90 degree angle between upper
arms and your torso throughout the exercise.
• Keep your elbows straight.
• Do not slouch forward in the upper spine to
further the motion. Maintain a very slight
arch in your lower back at all times.
SCAPULAR PROTRACTION (elbow stabilized)