Divar XF Using the Configuration Tool | en 73
Bosch Security Systems Installation manual F.01U.135.429 | 2.5 | 2009.08
Log on
When starting the Configuration tool application, the log on window appears. (Click Cancel to
discontinue log on and exit the application.)
Figure 7.3 Configuration Tool - Log on window showing Select Divar list
To control a particular Divar XF:
1. Select the Divar XFs to control by placing check marks next to them.
2. Type user name and password.
– The user name and password to be filled in are set in the Configuration/Network
access menu of the Divar XF itself. Check with the administrator for access rights to
the unit if log on is denied.
– To let the system remember names and passwords on subsequent uses of the
Configuration Tool, place a check mark in the Save log on information box.
3. Click Log on.
Maximum number of users
If the maximum number of users (eight) is exceeded, a window is displayed.
7.2.1 Menu structure differences
The Configuration Tool allows access to and use of unit menu items. These menu items are
explained in Section 6 Advanced configuration menu, page 53. Although the items are the same,
the menu structure is slightly different in the Configuration Tool.
7.3 Introducing the main window
The Configuration Tool window is divided into 3 panes. The buttons in the left pane are always
available. Clicking one of these buttons changes the contents of the center pane. The buttons
in the top pane are control buttons that give direct access to various tasks.