54 en | Alarms and Relay Connections AutoDome 800 Series HD PTZ Camera
F.01U.273.797 | 5.0 | 2012.08 Installation Manual Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
5 Alarms and Relay Connections
5.1 Alarm Inputs
The AutoDome provides two alarm inputs. Each input can be activated by dry contact devices
such as pressure pads, passive infrared detectors, door contacts, and similar devices. The
table below summarizes the size and distance wires.
Table 5.1 Alarm wire guide
You wire alarms either Normally Open (N.O.) or Normally Closed (N.C.), and must program the
alarm inputs N.O. (the default) or N.C. through the Settings page (refer to Section 7.39 Alarm
Connections, page 95).
5.2 Connecting Alarms (inputs 1 or 2)
You can configure alarms 1 and 2 as non-supervised Normally Open (N.O.) or Normally Closed
(N.C.) alarms.
5.2.1 Connecting a Normally Open Alarm
1. Connect the alarm to the appropriate input (1 or 2) and ground at the AutoDome.
Figure 5.1 N.O. - Normally Open Non-supervised Connections
2. From the Alarm Connections page on the Settings Page (Section 7.39 Alarm Connections,
page 95) the Alarm Input # to N.O. See the table below for contact and condition details.
5.2.2 Connecting a Normally Closed Alarm
1. Connect the alarm to the appropriate input (1 or 2) and ground at the AutoDome.
Wire Size Maximum Distance
AWG mm feet meters
22 0.644 500 152.4
18 1.024 800 243.8
1 Dry Contact 3 Dome Connector
2 Alarm Inputs 1 to 2 4 Ground
AutoDome Programmed N.O.
Circuit Alarm Indication
Open Normal
Closed Alarm