MIC400 Series Camera | Installation and Operation Manual AAAEN | 26
Bosch Security Systems Issue 1
Installation Instructions
To install the MIC-IR-12PSU please do the following:-
1. Locate the mounting position of the MIC-PSU so that it cannot be
interfered with either intentionally or accidentally, a lockable cabinet or
secured vehicle location i.e. a lock box or mount rack is recommended.
2. Securely fix the MIC-PSU using M4 stainless steel screws & washers;
ensure the cable glands have sufficient room to allow for the cables to
3. Feed all cabling through the appropriate sized gland holes.
4. Connect the composite cable to HD3 following the colour coding as shown
in the Table B & printed on the PCB, connect all wires.
5. Connect the Brown and Grey wires for the IR lamps to HD6 as per Table J
6. Connect the Coaxial video cable to the CN1 header.
7. If alarms are to be used connect these to HD2 as per Table I above.
8. Telemetry connections are provided by headers HD4 and HD5 which
respectively enable crimp or screw terminations for connecting the MIC400
to the control equipment.
9. Connect the power to HD1 carefully observing the polarity and voltage as
per Table A.
10. A washer drive is provided on this power supply, a mains rated relay is
fitted and pre-wired to the mains input feed via an on board fuse FS4
(rated at 2 Amps Ceramic quick blow); connection to a third party washer
pump system should be made via HD7 as per Table K.
11. Once connected the washer drive can be tested using the red SW1 which
should activate the pump. When pressed the LED, (LED3) next to the
washer switch should illuminate. The LED will also illuminate in response
to telemetry commands to switch the washer on
. The Red LED on the
washer PCB will illuminate when the Washer function is selected at the
control room end. Note that the software in the camera prevents the
washer from being run more than 10 seconds continuously. (This is to
prevent the washer bottle from being inadvertently emptied. The red button
on the washer drive card can be used to both test the washer operation
and to prime the washer pump.
12. When wiring is complete, apply power & check the all six (6) LED’s are lit.
13. LED1 and LED2 when light show that 15v AC is available from the power
supply (i.e. the supply fuses are intact. There is no indication of the
operation of the Telemetry lines as this would increase the load on these
lines reducing the number of cameras that can be driven by a single
telemetry spur.
14. LED 3 illuminates when the washer drive relay is selected to on.
15. LED 4 monitors the internally generated +5v rail used to drive the alarm
interface circuits around HD2. This +5v supply is not available externally.
WARNING: Electrical Danger: Ensure all power is
disconnected before opening or working upon any Power
Supply Unit.
Installation must be carried out by suitably qualified
persons & all local safety regulations should be followed.
After removal of the lid take care as components can
reach a temperature of 55 Deg C.
CAUTION: It is extremely important to observe the correct
polarity, failure to do so will result in the destruction of the
DC-DC power supply.
CAUTION: This power supply was designed for negative
earthed vehicles only it is not suitable for use with positive
earth vehicles.