72 en | Recording Digital Video Recorder
F01U | 2.0 | 2008.12 User Manual Bosch Security Systems
• You can not record the Instant and Continuous recording under the fol-
lowing conditions.
- A HDD is not formatted.
- The channel has no video input for display.
- Overwrite is set to “Off” or “Event Partition”, and normal partition is
- On the HDD setting, the event partition is set to 100%.
• You can not record the Input and Motion recording under the following
- A HDD is not formatted.
- The channel has no video input for display.
- Overwrite is set to “Off” or “Normal Partition”, and event partition is
- On the HDD setting, the event partition is set to 0%.
- The schedule (Input/Motion) record is not set.
• HDD partition according to a recording type.
- Normal Partition: It is the space in the HDD that stores the continu-
ous and instant recorded data. Once the normal partition is set to
0% (the event partition is 100%), you can not record the continuous
or instant recordings.
- Event Partition: It is the space on the HDD that stores input and
motion recorded data. Once the event partition is set to 0%, you can
not record the alarm and motion recording.
• Priority of record.
Instant record > Input record > Motion record > Continuous record.