conventional marine NMEA-0183
equipment use. Its intended use is for
normal "terrestrial" mobile users who
want to enable their USB hosting
computing devices such as a PC, laptop
or PDA with the phone's highly-capable
GPS functionality.
Get Connected
1 Slide open the phone's
bottom connector and insert a mini-
USB cable into the phone's bottom
2 Insert the other end of the mini-
USB cable into a vacant USB
receptacle of your host device. A
virtual USB Comm Port will be
created on your host device upon
successful enumeration of the
phone as a USB Communications
Device Class device.
3 Ensure no application in your host
device is using the created COMM
port. You may need to ensure that
the created virtual COMM port
settings are set as follows:
• Bits per second: 4800
• Data bits: 8
• Parity: None
• Stop bits: 1
• Flow control: None.
4 Start the GPS application on your
host device. Set the GPS
application to start accepting
NMEA-0183 formatted data from
the created Virtual COMM port.
5 Set your phone to start sending
NMEA-0183 formatted location
Find it:
Interface > NMEA OUT
> USB.
Your phone is now actively sending
location NMEA-0183 formatted GPS
data to your USB host device.
To stop your phone from sending
location data: