SE6 05/05 Operation Section 4-35
© 2005 Alamo Group Inc.
ift-Type Mower - To disconnect the mower, first
xtend the tractor 3-point hitch top link to remove
ension on the top link hitch pin. When the pin is
oose and easy to rotate, remove the pin from the
ower. Next remove both lower hitch pins.
ull-Type Mower - To disconnect the mower, first
elieve hydraulic pressure by moving the control
ever back and forth several times. Lower the
arking jack and raise the mower until the tongue
levis in no longer resting on the tractor drawbar
nd is supported solely by the jack. Make sure that
he jack foot is securely resting at ground level or
upported by a block. Then remove the hitch bolt,
ocknut, and washers. If a hydraulic cylinder was
sed, remove its hose end from the tractor port and
ecure it to the mower to prevent contact with dirt.
fter disconnecting the 3 lift points, remove the
ower driveline from the tractor PTO shaft. Lay the
riveline down carefully to avoid damaging the
riveline or its shield. Do not let the driveline fall
nto mud or dirt, which can contaminate the bearing
nd shorten the life of the driveline. OPS-R-0031_A