
RS-232 Control Port
The RS-232 port refers to the main RJ-45 connection
located on the receiver's back panel. The RJ-45
contains connections for transmission and reception of
RS-232 data. See pin-out at right. The RJ-45 also
supports power supply and IR input for CK1.2 Keypad
Port - When disabling the RS-232 port, RS-232 strings
will be neither transmitted nor received through the
main RJ-45 jack. By default the RS-232 port is enabled.
Baud rate - The default baud rate is 9600. B&K does not
recommend using any baud rate other than 9600.
When a Baud rate other than 9600 is used, Keypad status will not function.
Echo - Enabled or Disabled.This setting is for those with external control systems communicating to B& K
products via RS-232. Echo will repeat RS-232 transmissions received through the main RJ-45 receive port.
Feedback (RS-232 Continuous Reply):
None (Default) = Neither BKC-DIP Update or Reply is generated.
Update = A change affecting a logical zone from the Front Panel or
B& K IR generates an update message representing the specific front panel
button or B& K IR command. The receiver must then be polled to determine
the current status.
Reply = When set to “REPLY”, the receiver will automatically
generate BKC-DIP reply messages to allow unsolicited continuous feedback
to an external RS-232 controller. A change affecting Zone A or Zone B from
the Front Panel or B& K IR generates a reply message representing the new
status of the parameter that was changed.
ypical format example of a BKC-DIP Reply :
An example BKC-DIP Reply message the AVR517 Series2 or AVR515 Series2 will automatically generate
when a master volume change is executed in Logical Zone 1 is (0,R,P1=FF,1=60;). Reply message Logical
Zone 1 current Preset parameter Volume value is set to 60 hex or 0dB (assumes 0dB is the current setting).
“0” is the transmit ID
“R” is the BKC-DIP Reply message.
“P1=FF” is the BKC-DIP command for the current preset in logical Zone 1 (P1: main theater zone ID).
“1=60” is the current preset parameter (1: Volume), is set to the Hex value of 60 (volume at 0dB ).
For a complete list of B& K RS-232 parameter Protocol, see the Series_IIIS2_10000.pdf or greater located in
the documentation of BKcSuite or online at B&K’s website.
All (Both) = Outputs both a BKC-DIP Update and Reply messages.
Receive ID / Transmit ID - This is the identifier in B&K RS-232 protocol that allows B&K to “listen” (receive
ID) or “talk” (transmit ID) to other B&K products. Change this identifier if you are using an external automa-
tion system to control more than one B& K products in series. The transmit and receive IDs are denoted by
the first number in an RS-232 message i.e. (
Note - If you change the Receive or Transmit ID, it does not affect setup with BKcSuite.
1 PPort Enabled
2 BBaud rrate 9600
3 EEcho Disabled
4 FFeedback None
5 RReceive IID 0
6 TTransmit IID 0
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12VDC Power Supply
IR Input
12VDC Control Output
RS-232 Host Transmit
Signal/Common Ground
RS-232 Host Receive