Disposing of packaging material
Packaging materials are dangerous to children. Keep
packaging materials in a safe place away from reach
of the children.
Packaging materials of the product are manufactured
and sort in accordance with recycled waste
domestic waste.
Transportation of the product
the remaining water in the product completely; see,
order of removal procedure; see, "Removing the
transportation locks".
Never move the product without the
transportation safety bolts properly fixed in
Disposing of the old product
friendly manner.
Refer to your local dealer or solid waste collection
centre in your area to learn how to dispose of your
For children's safety, cut the power cable and break
the locking mechanism of the loading door so that it
will be nonfunctional before disposing of the product.
• Takeoutallsubstancesinthepocketssuchas
coins, pens and paper clips, and turn pockets
inside out and brush. Such objects may
damage the product or cause noise problem.
• Putsmallsizeclothessuchasinfant'ssocks
and nylon stockings in a laundry bag or pillow
• Placecurtainsinwithoutcompressingthem.
Remove curtain attachment items.
• Fastenzippers,sewloosebuttonsandmend
rips and tears.
• Wash“machinewashable”or“handwashable”
labeled products only with an appropriate
• Donotwashcoloursandwhitestogether.New,
dark coloured cottons release a lot of dye. Wash
them separately.
• Toughstainsmustbetreatedproperlybefore
• Useonlydyes/colourchangersandlimescale
removers suitable for machine wash. Always
follow the instructions on the package.
• Washtrousersanddelicatelaundryturnedinside
• KeeplaundryitemsmadeofAngorawoolinthe
freezer for a few hours before washing. This will
reduce pilling.
• Laundrythataresubjectedtomaterialssuchas
flour, lime dust, milk powder, etc. intensely must
be shaken off before placing into the machine.
Such dusts and powders on the laundry may
build up on the inner parts of the machine in
time and can cause damage.
Correct load capacity
The maximum load capacity depends on the type
of laundry, the degree of soiling and the washing
programme desired.
The machine automatically adjusts the amount of
water according to the weight of the loaded laundry.
Follow the information in the “Programme
and consumption table”. When overloaded,
machine's washing performance will drop.
Moreover, noise and vibration problems may
Loading the laundry
• Opentheloadingdoor.
• Placelaundryitemslooselyintothemachine.
• Pushtheloadingdoortocloseuntilyouheara
locking sound. Ensure that no items are caught
in the door.
The loading door is locked while a programme
is running. The door can only be opened a while
after the programme comes to an end.
vibration problems may occur in the machine.
3 Preparation
Things to be done for energy saving
Following information will help you use the product in
• Operatetheproductinthehighestcapacity
allowed by the programme you have selected,
but do not overload; see, "Programme and
consumption table".
• Alwaysfollowtheinstructionsonthedetergent
• Washslightlysoiledlaundryatlowtemperatures.
• Usefasterprogrammesforsmallquantitiesof
lightly soiled laundry.
• Donotuseprewashandhightemperaturesfor
laundry that is not heavily soiled or stained.
• Ifyouplantodryyourlaundryinadryer,select
the highest spin speed recommended during
washing process.
• Donotusedetergentinexcessoftheamount
recommended on the detergent package.
Sorting the laundry
• Sortlaundryaccordingtotypeoffabric,colour,
and degree of soiling and allowable water
• Alwaysobeytheinstructionsgivenonthe
garment tags.
Preparing laundry for washing
• Laundryitemswithmetalattachmentssuchas,
underwired bras, belt buckles or metal buttons
will damage the machine. Remove the metal
pieces or wash the clothes by putting them in a
laundry bag or pillow case.