
solvIng Problems:
You can solve many of the problems you might have by
working through this section.
1. Do you have a 10-test disc in the meter? Yes____ No_____
If No, see page 7.
2. Does it contain new test strips? Yes____ No_____
If No, see page 7.
3. Is the 10-test disc within its expiration date?
Yes_____ No______
If No, see page 7.
4. When you “Pull and Push” the meter handle, are you
making sure you “Pull” all the way out and “Push” all
the way in? Yes____ No_____
If No, see page 11.
5. Do you need to replace the battery? Yes____ No_____
If Yes, see page 35.
6. Is the battery holder pushed all the way into the battery
compartment? Yes____ No_____
If No, see page 37.
For additional help, see “Troubleshooting and Error
Codes” on the next page.
solvIng Problems